Mary Isnawin (Long Knife) Gorman Hill
(Abt 1862-)


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Louis T. Hill II

Mary Isnawin (Long Knife) Gorman Hill

  • Born: Abt Dec 1862, Minnesota
  • Marriage: Louis T. Hill II in 1890

bullet  General Notes:

Louis T. Hill II, a member of the Sisseton-Wahpeton Sioux T ribe, married Mary Gorman, "Isnawin" (meaning "Long Knife " a term ap­plied to American soldiers by Indians of this p art of the country, be­cause she was the daughter of Jame s Gorman, U.S. Army of Fort Snelling and Fort Ridgely, and a Sisseton-Wahpeton Sioux woman named "Sinte". Mary Gorman's land allotment adjoined Louis' allot­ment. Louis farmed in McKinley Township both his and his wife's al­lotment f rom 1890 to about 1925. Before 1900 Louis served for three years as a Catechist for the Presbyterian Board of Indian Missions among Sioux Indian people in Poplar, Montana. Each summer for a month he would return to Marshall County on his vacation to visit his relatives, traveling back and forth in a covered wagon. The church, school and living quarters which were used are still standing but are no longer in use. The Sioux Catechism (Bible) is a family treasure.


Mary married Louis T. Hill II, son of Living and Mary or Martha Heyoka, in 1890. (Louis T. Hill II was born about Jan 1870 in South Dakota.)

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