Thomas M. Fuller
(Abt 1794-1861)


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Thomas M. Fuller

  • Born: Abt 1794, Columbia Co, GA
  • Died: 30 Jan 1861, Butler Co, AL about age 67

bullet  General Notes:

PLAC War of 1821

Nacogdoches County Historical Gen. Society book,
page 294 - 295

Thomas Fuller was the only son of Abner Fuller who did not migrqate to Texas in the 1840 s with his father and three brothers, though he did make one memorable visit to Nacogdoches C ounty before the Civil War that is still recounted by his Texas Relations.

Thomas was born in Columbia County, Georgia, in 1794, the first-born son of Abner and Eli zabeth (Hosick) Fuller. Thomas was married first to Elizabeth, born 1788, who bore him tw o children, both born in Georgia. Archibald in 1821 and Elizabeth in 1823. Archie married El izabeth Mosley; his sister Elizabeth married James Albert Mosley, Elizabeth Mosley's brother.

The Thomas Fuller family, having moved from Columbia County, Georgia, after 1820 was livi ng in Meriwether County, Georgia in 1830. Included with the family on the 1830 census wa s a female aged 15-20, unaccounted for. By 1840 Thomas had moved to Butler County, Alabama , where he lived for the
rest of his life.

Thomas served in the War of 1812, his first service as a substitute for Abner Fuller. H e also served in the Georgia Militia in the Seminole War. If family tradition is correct an d he actually served with Andrew Jackson, then the Seminole War is more probable, as a smal l contigent of Georgia Militia did serve with Andrew Jackson then. After Elizabeth's deat h in 1857 (she signed a deed 19 April 1857),
Thomas married 11 October 1857 Huldah Ann Bell (born April 1832) , daughter of John Bell, wh o bore him one son, Thomas Abner Fuller, born November 1859.

Thomas Fuller died 30 January 1861, leaving an infant, for his widow Huldah to raise alo ne, a number of slaves (he had 6 in 1850), and 559 acres of land. At the estate sale, 250 ac res went to son Archie for $6.25.

Thomas' lot of books went for $1.65. After the Civil War, Huldah found times very trying, se lling off portion after portion of land. With little left, in February 1880 Huldah Fuller an d Milford Martin, a mulatto,
co-signed a loan for $40 to make a crop together that year. Thomas Abner, called Tom A., gre w up in Alabama and having lost his father so young, perhaps knew nothing about the many rela tives he had in Texas. His family even lost touch with his half-brother and sister.

On 12 February 1891, Tom A. Fuller married Mary Ellen Harp (born April 1870), daughte r of James H. Harp. To them were born Mattie, Minnie Lee, Zell Weaver and James Thomas "Jack ".

Found info that Thomas first wife' last name was Martin


Thomas married Living

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